Life Lesson

450 Days Sober: Alcohol Was Never My Problem

But sobriety turned out to be the 1st of many solutions

Manab J Kalita


I have reached 450 days of sobriety today, and it has been quite the journey so far.

When I started this journey back in 2023, I had only one thought in my mind. “My drinking has gotten out of control and I need to quit.”

I never thought that that single decision would lead to so many things. I have worked on my mental health, learned how to tackle the cravings, and gradually started to enjoy life without alcohol.

A coffee mug balanced on the edge of some wooden structure overlooking a water body
Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

However, I have realized that I have been an escapist for most of my life. And alcohol was just the best mode of escape I found out in college.

During the initial days of sobriety, I escaped by binging on Netflix, smoking cigarettes, and dreaming up fantastic scenarios in my mind.

But slowly, with a lot of journaling, reading other people’s stories, and a ton of self-help books, I am figuring out my root issues and working on them.

And that is why getting sober was the first step in the self-discovery journey. I hope I am making sense.



Manab J Kalita

Nefelibata. I live to dream. And sometimes, I write them down.