
3 Subtle Benefits You Will Enjoy After Quitting Alcohol

I started noticing the changes after three weeks

Manab J Kalita


I wrote a similar article a couple of years back when I started out on my sobriety journey. But that was just after 7 days of quitting alcohol. I got back to drinking immediately the day after.

Boy with a black beanie looking out at sunrise by a lake
Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

But this time I am a year and 3 months sober and the benefits are solid. I am enjoying those daily. So, let’s get into my top 3 subtle benefits of quitting alcohol.

Personal Growth

Since the first day of quitting, I have been on a constant path of self-awareness and as a result, self-development. I recognized my shortcomings as a person even when I was drinking, but I could never get the energy to work on them.

However, things are different now. Every day as I journal, I see patterns and areas of life that I can improve upon. With sobriety now I have the time and energy to work on them.

Hopeful Horizon

I gave up a career in engineering to follow my passion for writing, and my parents still hate me for it. I was working as a content writer during my drinking days. But I was never hopeful.

I would write for only the money and lost pleasure in the act. I thought my dreams would never take shape. Now that I do not drink and have no hangover to nurse each morning, I can work on things that matter to me. I see glimmers of hope every morning, and on most days, I am grateful when I go to sleep.

Seeing Problems

Since I got sober, I can see the problems that were stopping me from a life of growth and joy. Not that my life is all rainbows and sunshine, but now I can recognize the problems for what they are, enabling me to work towards a solution rather than wallowing.

During my drinking days, I was angry at the world for all that happened to me. But now I see that most of my problems were created by drinking too much and escaping life.

Many of my friends still enjoy drinking now and again. So, if you can enjoy a drink without obsessing over the next, you are a champ. However, if like me you are drinking too much and it is obstructing your journey of life, then think about taking a break. It might change your life.



Manab J Kalita

Nefelibata. I live to dream. And sometimes, I write them down.